Friday, February 10, 2006

Last big free meal.

I met with my trainers today for a chest/back workout and both of them commented that I was gaining muscle and some definition. yeah!! So in the last two weeks I lost 1.64lbs of fat and gained 1.14 lbs of muscle putting me at 19.29% body fat. I was pretty excited about that.

We measured for my one piece suit so I will be placing the order for that soon. We talked about the purple suit I bought. It is cute - can't wait to get it, but it might not be the right kind of top for me. I have big hips and narrow shoulders. We want to make sure that my top gives the illusion of wider shoulders and I guess triangle tops don't do that sometimes. We'll just have to see when it gets here.

last but not least - I had one of my last real free meals today. My hubby and I went out for chinese and then I had a Georgia mud fudge blizzard at Dairy queen. Now, it is time for real competition training!

I will be adding one day of long moderate training and playing with my carbs a little - 2 lower days and one higher day. Nothing too drastic. I'm getting excited!

1 comment:

Amy said...

you made it under the 20's for body fat, the rest is easy now!! good job!!