Saturday, February 18, 2006


Sorry I have been MIA. I have had just a crazy week. have to pretty much take the computer away from myself because I get soooo addicted and don't get anything else done. I HAD to write a paper this week and I had to give a half hour presentation in my class on Thursday night with 2 other people in my class. My Thursday night class is done now. I think I did pretty well. I have to complete the take-test and then it will be completely done. I should know my grade by the beginning of March. I start another call on Monday nights in a couple of weeks.

On Friday morning we went to have our taxes checked over. My hubby is self-employed so it is quite a process. We do all of our taxes ourselves and just have someone looke them over so it was a lot of work.

On Friday afternoon we went and filled out an application to try to get hubby some Disability insurance. NOt sure if he'll get approved but figured it was worth a try. He's a computer guy-artist so if he hurt his hand we'd have no income...thought we should get some DI.

My seeeester came on Friday evening. We went and worked out this morning with my friend Lanae. Lanae just finished her first week of BFL and she is doing so great. It so motivating and inspiring.

Then the three of us went to get Lanae running shoes. She couldn't beleive how different good running shoes feel. She is hoping to do her first 5K on May 21st. I am so excited for her and I really hope she sticks with this. We walked her through all of the weight routines she could do for upper and lower body at the gym. She's never lifted before so seeeester and I helped her with form, etc.

Then we went to the stripper store to get shoes for my figure comp! I got 4 inch heels and I actually can walk kind of ok in them. I'm getting pretty excited. The girl at the stripper store said she was making a suits for another girl for the first time. I may email her to check and see how much she would charge to make a 2piece if I don't like the one I ordered. It's her first time making suits but you never know...

Finally we went to eat at a restuarant called 'The Good Earth'. The food is all organic and AMAZING. I had a shrimp salad with avocado and mango on it. Maybe a little bit too many calories but it was good for me and I have been completely clean.

I had a great day but we were exhausted by the end of the day. Tonight we are watching movies and being lazy. Neil is working on getting his office ready for painting.

I'm doing well with my diet. Having some cravings but overall doing well. I take like 27 pills a day and they are all HUGE. I can't even believe it! I think I am losing some more fat though!



Amy said...

i can't go to the heart walk on saturday, i have to work in the am and i don't want to switch to work the night shift because i have 4 HUGE finals next week and i need to be studying for them, i didn't know it was this weekend already!!

Janet said...

Sounds like you had a fun day. Stripper shoes! Fun! Doncha just love them?! I'll need to find out where this place is so that I can get my shoes, too. Don't forget to practice, practice, practice!