Sunday, August 20, 2006


Worked out downtown with my hubby today and it was wonderful. The gym down there is huge and there were 2 people in the free weight area. My concentration was much better adn it was so much for to have the run of the place all to myself.

I'm doing really well today. I've had a great week and I feel really good about all of my food choices, etc. I just FEEL good. The gas and bloating are pretty much gone. I've been doing half veggie protein, half either egg or meat protein at most meals and my body seems really happy with that.

My sis moved in on Thursday and she will be here for a couple weeks. She's looking for an apt with a friend from work so we've been busy with that.

Went to meet friend for breakfast down by the lake today and that was really nice. It's beautiful out. We took the pups along and they were really well behaved.

Saw the movie "Step Up" with Tosh last night. Goood chick flick...that guy is HOT!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Doing great!

I am feeling really good this week. I cleaned up my diet and went back to basics and my stomach feels really good. My sister finally sat me down and said I was making too big of a deal of everything - she was right. And I just needed to quit cheating all the time and I'd be fine - right again.

Working on implementing the ideas in "Excuse Me your life is waiting" again -I need to force myself to read a little bit of that book everyday. It just makes me realize how great life is, can be, and will be in the future!

I went out to the farm and rode horse last night. Schnookie got bit by a big bug while I was on her - she was NOT impressed! I got off and we got some fly spray on her and she was much happier. The two fillies out there are so beautiful. I just can't beleive how wonderful they are!

Hope you enjoyed the picts from this weekend. It was so fun!


Here are some picts from this weekend at the race. They all turned out great!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

25 min and 6 seconds

We ran the 5K on Saturday and this was my time!!! 25:06...that is very good for me. My best time on my practice 5K was 28 minutes. I got around 28 minutes last summer as well. My sister and I were bookin it!!! She got 25:01, she can really push that last little bit. We got 1st and 2nd place in the 20-29 age group. That is really exciting for us. My grandma, my dad and my little brothers were there to watch. Grandma said "pretty cool to do this in the town that didn't think you could hardly walk across the street." She's aluding to the fact that no one thought I was athletic or gave me the time of day as far as sports were concerned. My friend, Lanae, also got a personal best in the race. Her dad ran and got first in the over 60 category. Neil ran and got first in his 20-29 category...however, he was the only runner in his catergory...No matter - the fact that he got out there and ran it is all that matters!

All in all it was a great day.

On friday we all checked in the the trainers. Neil is down 2.5% body fat, 5 lbs of fat, and gained 3 pounds of muscle. VERY impressive.

Tosh measured exactly the same.

I am up .8% bodyfat, 1 lbs of fat, lost 1 pound of muscle. Not good. Bummer.

We all cheated over the weekend. It was nice to eat meals with my family and I'm not even going to say I regret it. A lot of it was emotional eating - so be it.

We went to the camp ground on saturday and set up the tent. It was sooooooo windy and miserable. Then, we heard there were tornado and storm warnings and the big clouds started rolling in. We packed up and drove the 5 miles back home. Good thing we did because it rained a lot and it rained HARD! My one little brother hates storms and freaks out...there is no way he would have survived in the little tent.

Took us forever to get home today and we sat in traffic for hours. But we made it. Hubby got very impatient with driving at the end and I was so happy when we finally pulled up in front of our yard.

So now it is on to Monday. 3 days of bad eating behind me. Hoping to make progress in the right direction in the days to come.

Sis and I are going to check out a Snap Fitness tomorrow. The lifetime near our house is fun in theory. there are lots of buff people and it is nice to work out without kids around but he equipment is just terrible! The machines are old and they hurt no matter how much you adjust them. They don't have a standing calf machine. The dumbells are ancients and the racks look like they were welded together and it is an art to put the dumbbells away without pinching your fingers. I wouldn't be so picky except that it is really expensive to workout there and quite honestly the equipment is much better at the maybe Snap will be the answer. cheaper than the Y and Lifetime with brand new equipment. I am so hard to please!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Getting ready for the weekend

We'll be packing and getting food ready for this weekend tonight.

I met with my mentee, Frednesia, and ran for the first time last night. She has stood me up the last 4 meetings more or I'm glad last night worked out. We ran for about 8 minutes out of a 30 min run/walk. She had a tough time but I am really proud of her. She tried hard.

Excited for this weekend. Neil and my sister both have check-ins with the trainers tomorrow and then we are heading to SD right from there. Forecast says rain all weekend...hope they are wrong! I don't want to run or camp in the rain!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


So I made it to the gym for my back workout this afternoon. Yeah - both workouts done today! My forearms and the back of my legs are achy. Forearms because they aren't in shape enough to hold the heavier weights for my back workouts - because I've been a slacker! Back of my legs - either from running outside the last couple days or from my leg workout yesterday, probably a combination of the two.

My friend Lanae asked if I really needed to compete today. She was asking because of my free meal 'binges'. She pointed out that it is almost like a form of being bipolar. I have really extreme goals so I am extremely clean and then I go off extreme as well.

We talked for a while and I really think things are coming into perspective. First, it has only been 2 months since comp and no matter what - I think everyone goes through a huge adjustment period after their first one. On a second note - at this time last year I was around 28% bodyfat if I remember right...A lot has happened to me in the last year! I'm bound to have a bit of a time finding 'normal' for me!!!

I'm feeling really good again today. My hubby has decided to do the 5K with us on Saturday so that should be fun.

Things are going well at work. We've been without a director since May and we finally have someone starting on Aug 21! I haven't had a boss forever and I am looking forward to having that foundation again. Luckily, I would with a great team so we have all just continued on without a problem.

Thanks Nora and everyone else for stopping by!


I'm doing well with my new diet. For the majority of the time, I am going for a vegan diet. I am having chicken, fish, and turkey mixed in there as I want. I shoot for 1900-2000 calories a day, 40% carbs, 35% protein, 25% fat. I have my workouts all planned out for the next 2 weeks. I've filled out a calendar with exactly what I have on each day and that makes me feel good. I like crossing the days off and I love having a plan and a purpose.

tosh and I ran a 5K this is dark outside at 5:30am. Tough to get up to run - ugh. We run a 5K race this Saturday in our hometown in SD so we are trying to prep for that a little bit. I want to do well. Would be kind of nice to finish well in the hometown where I was never considered an athlete.

We have also been doing yoga and pilates. I really need to stretch more. My flexibility is something to be desired! :-)

I will probably try and get my BF% tested on 8/24 when Tosh goes in for training. I would like to be at 17% then. That is the new goal.

Off to work now - I'm blogging because I missed the bus at 7:25...dang it!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

A few changes

Going to the Naturopath was really neat. It is crazy how much they can tell about you by alternative means. She measure the electric energy flow through my body using a number of accupressure points. Results:

I have 3 cracked teeth under my metal filling. The teeth are degenerating under there and releasing bacteria into my system - tons of fun! My face should clear up (I always struggle with at times) and my heart will be happy when the bacteria is gone. Have dentist appt on Aug 21st to go and start the process of getting the metal filling out of these three teeth and new composites in.

My pituitary, adrenal, thyroid gland system is kinda sluggish. Mostly because I don't handle my stress very well...oops. Have a couple of vitamins to try to pump them up a little bit. This is most likely where a lot of my digestive problems are stemming from. My body isn't moving fast enough to do a good job digesting or something like that.

Last but not least - I have a hard time digesting protein from animal sources. Pretty much figured this - I knew I was unable to eat any dairy already and I guess the whole meat thing doesn't surprise me for some reason. chicken, fish and turkey are easier for me to digest than red meat but veggie protein is actually the best for my body. Now, considering I eat 6 meals a day based around protein this could seem a little daunting. However, I don't think it is so bad - actually it's kinda nice to switch things up a bit. I'm just switching to a veggie protein for some of my meals. Can't hurt to try it! Maybe I will build muscle better if my body can actually process more of the proteins I'm giving it.

Switches I've made:
Added two veggie sausage links to breakfast in place of the whole egg and 1 egg white.

Having my 2 protein shakes with soymilk instead of water and dropping down to one scoop instead of two scoops of protein powder (I buy ON 100% whey with lactase so I digest this better because it has the digestive enzyme in it).

I bought some tofu and some veggie crumbles so we'll see how that goes today...

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Going out!

My hubby and I had a date night on Saturday night. Tosh babysat the pups (she really came over because her landlord is too cheap to get airconditioning and it was like 105 degrees outside). We went to Outback to eat and then we went to "You, Me, and Dupree." It was super fun and I love my hubby.

Tonight we are going to Blue October concert with some friends. Should be fun as well.

I'm going to the doctor on Thursday. I've had digestion problems my entire life. We've pretty much concluded that I'm lactose intolerant. I felt better during contest diet which isn't surprising because I eliminated sugar and icreased veggies tons. However, I was and still am bloated every day of my life. it is painful and frustrating. I've tried probiotics and digestive enzymes, and beano. I've tried different types of veggies. I've tried eliminating wheat. I just want to know what is wrong and know for sure what my body does and does not tolerate instead of trying to guess. I've got an appt with a naturopath Doctor at 3pm on Thursday...