Saturday, December 31, 2005

In the Right Direction

Well, training yesterday turned out better than expected. I am down to 22.84 body fat %. It was 24.02 on November 18th! I'm glad I wasn't worse than when I started! I had a really good arm workout with David. I thought I would be more sore today but I wasn't...we'll see what tomorrow is like.

Nicole copied a bunch of recipes for me so I have some variety in my diet. That will be good. Looking foward to trying some of the new food. My show was moved to July she said. I guess that is good as it will give me a whole nother month.

Rhonda and I went swimming today at the Ywca. She was glad to get out of the hospital for a bit and it was fun. Erik may get to go home tomorrow. He was doing much better today.

I went to Ann Taylor and bought a pair of dress pants today. Also got some cute underwear and a bra at GAP. Hoping to go to Kohl's tomorrow to get a pair of jeans - hopefully on sale!

Going out with Matt Smith and his family tonight. I 've never met his wife. Should be fun.
See you tomorrow 2006!

Thursday, December 29, 2005

2006, here I come!

I just read one of my friend's blogs and she was talking about how wonderful 2006 will be...and I totally agree! I am a little overwhelmed with the idea that I need to have the body of a figure competitor within 5 months.

Clean eating today - still not eating all of my meals in the right order, too many carbs later in the day. Looking forward to next week. I went 10 min on the bike and 15 on the elliptical followed with an ab workout.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Carefully laid plans

Well, no matter how carefully you plan, life always seems to get in the way! Our little nephew, Erik, is in the hospital so we have been spending a lot of time running back and forth. He is getting better and it looks like everything is going to be just fine.

I missed my workout yesterday. So, instead of an off day today I have legs and 20 min of cardio. Good workout, ran 2 miles. Been eating clean except not exactly what the trainers have given me. Had to improvise and use bars, etc because of the odd schedules and being up at the hospital. Down to 142.6 this morning! Seems like I'm going in the right direction.

I would like to ask the trainers some questions. How much do they want me to add variety to the meal plan they gave me? Does any fruit count or would they rather I stick to berries? I plan on starting to count calories and weighing food again next week.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Day 1 - New Beginnings!

It is finally over. I thought the Holidays would never be over! I have been eating horribly and skipping workouts since last Friday. I'm not sure what came over me but I am glad it is over. I am excited to undo the damage I am sure I have done. I weighed in at 146.8 this morning...ouch. I was 141-142 before the horror that was last week! That is the past though - the future is bright! Here I go!!