Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Does the world have an eating disorder?

So my sister commented and pointed out where we were in life at this time last year. We were doing straight BFL and having hugh cheat DAYS every week. Crazy...

There are many fitness freaks that have issues with binging and would just much rather eat clean...I'm seeing this resounding theme throughout blogs and forums. This makes me wonder, does this lifestyle/sport tend to attract those who may have minor eating disorders in the first place? Many of us are perfectionists with very high expectations of ourselves. I personally know that I like to have complete control over things. I like to have goals and a plan in pretty much every aspect of my life.

Now, as I'm writing this, I'm thinking - most of the time you have to battle all of society to eat 'clean'. It is a constant issue that you don't eat 'normal'... like it or not, 'normal' in this society means you will end up obese - with heart disease, high cholesterol, etc. So maybe the whole world has an eating disorder...


Stef said...

Sometimes, I am sure I have an eating disorder!!!!!

Melissa said...

What an interesting post. I just posted something about this, about how I'm a lot more strict than I was when I first started BFL, and I wonder why. Then I read Stef's post & now yours. (THEN I realized what I said in my comment on your last post about "normal"). It's so true that what is considered "normal eating" is what causes weight gain & can lead to obesity. ME? Eating disorder maybe but unlikely, issues with food definitely.

Amy said...

yes, definitely interesting post. good topic.

Anonymous said...

Very thought-provoking post!

Being an OCD, perfectionist control freak certainly has something to do with why I took to BFL and other similar bodybuilding/fitness styles of eating so easily compared to most of the people around me, but I also think it is a matter of intelligence and the desire to be the best you can be.

Once you learn WHY eating six small meals a day made with whole foods is better for you than the usual two or three mega meals and junk most people eat, why would you ever go back to a system that will only make you overweight, sluggish, and unhealthy? That would be utterly stupid, like jumping off a cliff just because all the other lemmings are doing it.

Call it a low-grade ED if you like, but I've found the right way to eat to maintain a lean, healthy physique --tested and proven to be effective by me (the only person that matters when it comes to what *I* eat, LOL)-- and I don't care if all the normal, cool kids are doing something else. ;)

When I ate like everyone else, I got fluffy. When I switched to higher protein, small frequent meals, and cleaner ingredients, I got lean and fit.

I don't believe in doing things that produce negative results.