Saturday, April 08, 2006

Darn gym

So I get up this morning to go do my 25 min of high intensity cardio at the gym. Get there at 7. they don't open till 7:30 on Saturdays. Grrrr. So I came home and ran outside. It was chilly but I made it. I am supposed to do 30 sec hard run and then 1 min moderate. I don't have a reliable, convenient stop watch of any sort so I would run to the red car sprinting...then jog to that big hard to the bridge, etc. I would really like a fancy heart rate monitor with a stop watch built in. then you can track your progress with the the computer programs and stuff. someday I'm gonna get one. I think it would be fun to see.

Before that, I will need new shoes. There are some at the running room I really want but they are $80 so I'm trying to hold out a bit longer. The arch in my left foot hurt this morning though...

Neil is busy doing some modeling stuff that he actually enjoys for a change so that is really nice.

I went and looked a possibly place for my sister to live when she moves here. One of our friends' friends owns a house and he is going to rent out the 2 rooms upstairs. It is an old house but it is cute with lots of charm. We'll have to see what she thinks. May be nice for the first month or two while she's finding a job, etc.

My workouts have been better. I think the split really helps. Takes up a lot of the day though. I am off to get ready to go to the prejudging for that show today at 10 am. Then home to go to the gym and do my ab/shoulder workout. then back to the night show at 6:30. Running around today!


Anonymous said...

We really are kindred spirits of a sort!! My metatarcil (sp?) arches are falling due to some joints being out of place. Back to the chiro on Monday!

I love your before and afters - they're great!! Did you have a professional take the afters?

Maybe one of these days we will meet up at a comp. or something.

Anonymous said...

We really are kindred spirits of a sort!! My metatarcil (sp?) arches are falling due to some joints being out of place. Back to the chiro on Monday!

I love your before and afters - they're great!! Did you have a professional take the afters?

Maybe one of these days we will meet up at a comp. or something.