Thursday, June 15, 2006

Big Weekend

I'm flying to Chicago at 4:45. I'm going to visit Denise, Mike and Riley. They used to be my neighbors. I'm going to the NPC Jr Nationals on Friday night, Sat Morning and Sat Night. I'm very excited to see Nicole on stage as well as the girls I see in the magazines all of the time. There are going to be a lot of people and fitness booths, etc. I don't really know what to expect and I'm going by myself but it still should be a good time.

Food has been a bit on the interesting side since competition. I eat well in the mornings and then it gets progressively worse into the afternoon and evenings. I have cravings now that I'm eating processed food and sugar more. Also, my allergies are back ...haven't had them since I cleaned up my diet in November. I've been doing a lot of research on Dairy Allergies and I think that is the main cause of my problems. May need to go Dairy free permanently. Dairy causes inflammation in everyone. Sensitivity to allergens is increased causing typical allergy symptoms, eczema, and asthma. Who knew!?

1 comment:

Amy said...

you need to change your title to "buffdiva, compitition:complete" or something else, becuase you are done with your first one:)