Thursday, July 03, 2008

The Return of Buff and Healthy Me??

So, as those around me know, I go back and forth with being health and...not...

I've been looking for 'signs' recently. Reading blogs quite a bit, reading old Oxygen mags, etc.

On Monday, the announcement of the NANBF show in April popped into my email. Cool.
On Wednesday, I opened the poster for the Lifestyle Achievement portion of the competition...I competed in this division in 2006. I'm totally pictured on the poster. Sign #2.

Today I get an email at work from my hubby. "I got you a FREE membership at the gym for 2 months!" I guess I've got my signs, huh?

I'm thinking of going for the Lifestyle achievement award. I know it is kind of questionable to RE-DO a lifestyle transformation, but as J pointed out, I'd just be showing people that you can do it again! We shall see...

1 comment:

Deeples said...

Work it, girl. I'm all about 2nd chances and trying again.. and again... and again... the only real failure in life is giving up, right?

You know we are here for you, just be healthy to yourself and don't get scary skinny. :)

We love you any way you are.