Monday, July 07, 2008


I lifted legs yesterday which means today I am hobbling along. I debate whether or not I really need to go to the bathroom, print multiple pages and then get up and walk to the printer because it hurts to get up out of the chair and sit down again! I even cut my workout short to try and minimize the such luck. Oh well - feels good to go back to the gym again!

It is kind of like going back to school, when it is a choice you get a lot more out of the experience and appreciate it more. Going to the gym takes me back to just a couple years ago, pre-business, when I had multiple hours a day to do whatever I chose. I'm really loving it!

Hubby and I had a wonderful Sunday. We watched a couple movies, took a walk, took a nap and cleaned up after the big fridge installation. Our fridge went out on Saturday so we put a different one in on Saturday night so there was a bit of a mess.

All in all, a good weekend for us. Now if I could just walk normally... :-)


Anonymous said...

Just wink at them and tell them you and hubby and a REALLY GOOD WEEKEND. LOL.

Superchic-happy and healthy said...

Hey Chica~

Great Job! Transformation 2009...maybe stage ready in fall 2009??? :) Keep pushin it. Good luck on the race training. I really need to find a 5k that I want to run in...