Friday, June 08, 2007

War with lilacs

Neil and I have successfully cut our lilac hedge back about a foot and a half. Keep in mind this is no small task. the lilacs run down the entire side of our alley and at this time they are about 9 feet high... We somehow need to cut off the tops too...another day.

Before finishing up the lilacs last night, I mowed the entire lawn, front and back with the push lawn mower. We have one of the old style with no motor. I was pretty proud of myself. I was cranky as I've felt a little out of it this week. My workouts have been nonexistent except for a run onTues morning with Heidi. I did get up and run again this morning though. I've been riding my bike to and from the train. Next week I hope to start bike communting for real. My seat is really uncomfortable and for some reason my other bike seat won't fit on the older bike...hmmmm.


Superchic-happy and healthy said...

Hey sis~
hope you're feeling awesome. you'll get the training in. besides you burned a million calories and had an awesome workout tackling your lawn!!! Love seeeester...

Stef said...

Hi T~
Just checkin' in with you! Have a good one!
