Sunday, October 01, 2006

Flowers and a Show

My hubby is the sweetest guy ever and he loves me! So, I got flowers in a really cool pumpkin delivered to me at work on Thursday.

Yesterday, Tosh and I went to a show in Red Wing MN. My friend Janet got second in her class and she did a great job. Another friend Tonya from phat camp got first in her class. One of the other guys I know got the overall in Men's bodybuilding. It was his first show so it was very exciting. Tosh and I helped all the figure girls get ready so there was lots of tanning and sticking suits to butts... he he.

Very excited for our Show in may. I think it is just going to be a blast. I am also seriously considering doing some portions of a Women's Trifitness show next year. There is a grace and physique round just like a figure competition but there is also an obstacle course and different athletic tests, like box jumps, shuttle runs, and a bench press. I think it would be really fun. I could work to beat my own times at each compeition and it wouldn't all be based on a subjective decision by judges.

I'm sooooo excited for Hawaii! We leave on Friday and I am ready! Everything is going great with the bodybuilding coach. I am making gains and I really like working with him. I get to cheat during vacation and I have my new meal plans and workouts to start as soon as I get home. Have I mentioned I really like working with him!? It is so nice to always have a master plan and be on a mission!

1 comment:

Janet said...

Who's that hot chick in the burgundy suit? tee-hee. I haven't been to your blog in a bit, so it was a nice surprise to pull up that picture. You guys rocked backstage that day! I don't know what we would have done without you guys back stage. I will return the favor in May!