Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Checking in on friends and got thinking...

I was reading some blogs from old BFL friends because I'm watching Dancing with the Stars and one of them is singing on there!

I am physically about where I was a couple years ago before body for life as well. But I know I'm going to get back to it...and you know what? Maybe it is ok to be 'back' where I started. How often do we do BFL or get ready for a comp because we are scared of getting 'fat'. Well I now am what I feared and you know what? I'm out of shape and it's not healthy but the world didn't end, my life is great and I'm a very lucky person. However, I choose...I prefer to live a bit leaner, healthier lifestyle. I will get back to that lifestyle not because I fear the alternative but because I like that 'me'.

As for the rest of my life...it is going great. Learning to run our retail store is and adventure everyday. Getting better and better...LOTS of work...tonight is nice - just doing some business stuff at home. We work a LOT. Our grass has gone to seed for the second time this year...but we're getting a handle on things. We'll get normal life under contrl soon!


Amy said...

you should really start updating your blog all the time!!! i still check it almost every day!

Superchic-happy and healthy said...

This was a great post sis!!! You are doing awesome with your store and are going to do well in your pursuit of a healthy lifestyle!!! Let me know if you need anything. Kinda out of the loop out here!!!

Keep smiling sis.