Monday, July 24, 2006

feelin' great!

I'm feeling so much better - I feel like I've found myself again. My sister and I both had new workouts to do at the gym tonight. It was a blast - except she laughed at me a lot and ruined my ab workout. BRAT! :-) I'm hoping 16% bodyfat comes quickly - I'm ready!!!

It is really hot and muggy here but we finally got some rain. My grass is brown. I don't believe in wasting natural resources to water it.

My hubby and I plan to go camping on Aug 25-27. I'd like to stay somewhat close so we don't spend the whole time driving. Not sure where we'll go yet. Tosh is going to watch the pups. Excited for a weekend alone!


Amy said...

at least with your grass being brown, you don't have to borry our lawn mower becuase of how long it is:)

Stef said...


I am glad you are feeling so good. Sounds like working out with your seeeeester is tons of fun! I love having a workout partner (my wonderful hubby!)
