Monday, July 10, 2006


First of all, OMG stef (go4steffie) read MY blog. Stef - I have lurked on your blog and been inspired by you for a long time! I lurked around the blends for quite a while religiously until I realized just how much time I was spending on the computer and made myself quit reading so much. I stopped reading just after Bev was done with Dancing with the Stars, you had gone on ski I HAVE to know how everyone is again. I'm blaming you for hte hours I will be sitting in front of this computer! :-)

On another note...I'm famous! I'm in the BFL newsletter:

Check it out!!

I'm the one in the middle, of the 'Congratulations' article!

Tosh and I ran a practice 5K on Saturday in 28:22. Would really like to get it down to 26 for the 5K in our hometown in SD in August...

Went to a horse show, Pirates movie, and hung out by the pool as well. Busy weekend! Went to ride horse tonight and see the 2 baby horses - one is 2 months old and the other is one month old. they are adorable!


Stef said...

I added you to my links...hope you don't mind!!


Suz said...

WOW...I'm a religous Stef blog fan...came across her story and WOW! Congrats on your awesome journey! :)

Superchic-happy and healthy said...

Look its my big seeeester and she is motivating people. Look at us go woman. It's awesome and I can't wait for our competition in May '07 we are going to be awesome and buff!!!! Love ya seeester!!!

Brandi said...

Hi! I read what Stef said about you, so I had to check out your blog. Congrats on your figure competition! I think you look awesome!! I will be checking your blog regularly now. You are really an inspiration! :)

Superchic-happy and healthy said...

Don't know if my other comment got to you. But if it didn't I just wanted you to know that you are an awesome seeester and woman just as Stef has said. Wow, you are inspiring people and motivating in so many ways!! so exciting. We are going to be unstoppable...well we already are but you know what I mean. Love ya, seeester!!!

Melissa said...

Hi there! Found your blog by way of Stef's and wanted to say hello! I'm definitely going to be reading more and following your progress! Congrats on all you've accomplished and on being in the BFL newsletter!

Donna said...

Sorry, I just realized that I left a comment on an older post, I think I have mush brain after all that reading.