Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Just chillin'

I DVR'd the MS Fitness World today and watched that tonight. fun!

I had a fabulous time at Tosh's graduation. She looked stunning and it was a lot of fun. A little hard now that her diet isn't quite so strict. She just finished up classes today and I've tried to convince her to just enjoy and live up her last week of college life - sounds like she's going to! Good deal.

Had checkup at the chiro today. Held my adjustment now for 2 months. Life is good. He said I was on my way to exceptional health and I feel like it.

I think that I am leaning out more. Hard to tell though. We'll see on Friday when I get my bodyfat tested again.

My friend lanae finished her first BFL challenge yesterday. she has done an awesome job and I'm so proud of her! She came to the gym yesterday and spotted me on some of my shoulder workout. Hubby was awesome enough to come and spot me on Sunday for some of my chest/back workout. I can't wait till tosh is here next week and I'll have a spotter and a gym partner always. It is SOOOOO much better!

sorry I'm such a lame blogger...I just get on and read about everyone else's life...I'll try to be better!

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