Monday, May 22, 2006

Comps and Birthdays

The weekend was VERY busy!

I had training on Saturday. More posing and got my bodyfat tested. Bad news/Good news there. Bad news - I lost muscle so my BF% went up. Good news- I get more carbs!

WEnt to the DaVinci Code with my sis and hubby on Friday. That was fun - great movie.

Saturday, Tosh and I left for Des Moines at 4:15am. It was a great show! about 100 competitors. I came to the realization that my thighs and butt may really not be ready for this show. I am not down and depressed, just realistic. I am doing all I can to get them ready but that stage is not forgiving. Stepmill has been my friend - over 6 miles and 300 floors of stairs in the last two days...
I talked to Tosh and Neil, questioning whether or not I want to do this show or give myself more time to prep. I really don't want to be up there and know that I just wasn't ready. I decided that I'm an outgoing, confident woman and I will go up there, do my best and get the experience. You never know how you will look and how much of this is 'water weight' until that day.

Got to meet online friends Tonia and Jen at the show. That was great. They are both wonderful people and it felt so good to meet them and be around people that have the same passions. We had a fun time. Tonia competed and did wonderfully. The judging is subjective and she didn't place but she brought in one of her best physiques so I am proud and happy for her. Jen is competing for the first time this fall so it was really fun watching the show with her.

Got to see my friend Babette from PHat Camp. We also had a lot of fun. Wish we could hang out more!

We got home from the show at 2am on Sunday morning - TIRED.

I woke up at 8am, at breakfast, went back to bed until 12:30, went to the gym for stepmill and weights workout, got home for the birthday party for me, Lee, and Amy and mother's day celebration. This is Neil's side of the fam. Everyone at our house which hasn't happened for a long time. Fun! Everyone left by 7pm and I went downstairs to do 20 min of moderate cardio on the elliptical - backwards for the butt of course!

Leg weights with sis and more stepmill this morning. SOOOO much fun going to the gym with sister! We are just going to transform ourselves and our workouts. It is so fun to laugh with someone during a workout.

I get tomorrow OFF!!!!!

Only about 2.5 weeks left...WOW!


Anonymous said...

Hey Tanya- It's Jerianne here from over at Transformation Workshop. Now that I've committed to the Kansas City comp. I'm going to be following your progress, I hope you don't mind!! I'm really glad that you are going to go ahead with the comp. It will be a learning experience for sure. You might be surprised with what can happen in 2 1/2 weeks. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

2.5 weeks!!! eee... I'm getting nervous for you!!

You'll have a blast and be wonderful I'm sure!! Have you tried Babet's trick?