Sunday, September 24, 2006


Thank you everyone for stopping in even though I am horrible at keeping this updated! I've been off of the computer lately and haven't checked any of my blogs or anything! :-(

We went up to Brainerd to my in-laws timeshare Thurs night - Sat morning. It was rainy and cold but we had a nice, relaxing time. The cabin was beautiful and huge!!! We watched a couple of movies and Neil and his dad played pool. I did cardio on the equipment there and was thankful they had some equipment. But the elliptical machine sounded like a train it was sooo loud and clunky! Insane!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


We moved Tosh into her apt last night and today. She is working pretty much non-stop so her place is a mess and no time to put things away in sight... oh well - thank goodness you are only young and getting established once!

We went to Kansas City over the weekend to an amature and pro sho and it was great fun. A couple of my friends did their first show and both of them did amazing! Another of my on-line friends won her pro card which was also really great! One of my other friends looked really great and came in at her personal best thus far - however, she has many more competitions to come so it will be fun to see her growth. It was a 7.5 hour trip one way so a lot of driving but worth it.

I found this on another board and thought I would post it.

"I'm training a girl right now, and I told her I wouldn't let her prepare for a show until she knew deep in her heart she was ready...and that wasn't just physically ready. There are emotional and mental aspects that walk hand in hand with the physique when choosing to step onto a stage.

You do have to be prepared to pull out your food anywhere, anytime. And prepared is the key word. I don't even go to the mall while I'm in contest prep without my cooler and gallon-jug of water unless I am positive I'll be back home within an hour of my last meal. When I run errands during lunch at work, I take my entire cooler with me. If anything were to happen and I couldn't get back to my office, I wouldn't want to be without my meals.

This is a lonely existence. In the end, it's up to you. No one can do this for you. It's your legs running up and down those bleachers, your arms curling the dumbbells, your mouth taking in the chicken and asparagus for the sixth time that day. It is all you. It's particularly lonely when everyone around you says, "Don't you have any fun?" This is my fun (well, one huge aspect of it). I think a part of my soul would die if I didn't incorporate this lifestyle into my existence.

The emotions ebb and flow. You have to be able to monitor them, reel them in, anchor them. Everything little thing can stress you out on some days. Other days, you feel like you're on a total high. But you can't let your emotions get the best of you and distract you from the constant entities in your life.

Your body will go through so many changes. Some you'll like. Some you won't. You have to learn to appreciate your body for what you were genetically given. Accept what you can change and set out a plan to change these areas and then accept what you can't change and go with the flow.

There will be disappointment at some shows. Subjectivity reigns in this sport; your effort, time, and dedication do not factor into the judging. Just because you busted your butt harder than you have for anything else in your life, it doesn't mean that you will get the trophy. And it doesn't mean you didn't deserve that trophy either. Understand that winning takes many shapes and forms in this industry.

Drugs are only a factor if you make them one. When you realize that you will not go that route, then you have automatically decided to take another route. Walk that path all the way, then. Don't harp on what other girls do; instead, understand that you are natural and then devise a plan so you can see the same results as those girls do.

Finally, be aware that this is all up to you. By making a decision to compete, you have made a thousand other decisions for you to follow. The moment you complain about your food, the workouts, the lack of sleep is the moment you have to realize you can fix this by simply changing the original decision. Something tells me, you won't.

In the end, it's all worth it. Every tear, every bit of hurt, every second of loneliness, every pound of fat dropped and pound of muscle gained, every weight increased in the gym, every stone glued onto a suit, every dollar given to the grocery store, every bite taken and every bite avoided. All...all...all worth it if this is what you truly want.
by JodiLeigh

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Lawn conquered

I mowed that darn lawn! I started on early Friday morning and by 1pm - our lawn actually looked somewhat respectable. I pushed the reel mower through the front and about 1/4 of the back lawn. It was just too tall in the back though, the manual reel mower just wasn't sharp enough to get through the wet, thick, tall grass. So I rented a regular push mower (only $8 an hour!) and went over the front lawn again and did the back. I had to hold it kinda up in the air and tip it on its side all the time cause it kept getting clogged but I got it done! Then I raked the entire - I was tired. Then I attacked some of the weeds in the front and back and pulled them out too. Very proud of myself.

Had a leg workout day yesterday and cardio this morning. All the new workouts from the new bodybuilding coach and it is awesome. I haven't been sore in a long time and it feels good! Not the "so sore I can't sit" kind of sore but the "damn, I worked hard" kind of sore. Tosh and I are really pushing each other at the gym and it is nice to be on the same workouts again. Makes working out a lot more fun. For cardio this morning we set the incline on the treadmill at 6% and then ran at a level 10 for 30 sec. Then you jump onto the guard rails and leave the treadmill running while you pant and catch your breath for a minute. Then you jump back on the treadmill (this is quite the adrenaline rush as 10 is pretty fast and it is on an incline!) - you go for 30 sec and repeat the process for 10 min. I'm happy to say neither of us shot off the back of the treadmill! After that you finish up with 20 min moderate run at a level 6. It is a kick a$$ workout!

Kinda lazy the rest of today but that is ok. Overall had a great weekend. Good to get rested up before Kansas City next weekend. Driving down on Fri. Big Bodybuilding/figure show on Saturday, driving back on Sunday. Will be an exhausting trip but should be fun!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Day 1 of new workouts!

I'm done with the 7 day cleanse and I think it went really well. Now onto the next month of workouts from the bodybuilding coach! Very exciting. The workouts are comprised of lots of different variations and tempos in the training, different reps and set so it's nice to have some variety. Had Back and Bis this morning. It feels like I did well on bis...back not so sure. Back is hard to guage cuz its all pulling exercises.

My Post workout shake is one service gatorade and one serving whey...I just mixed them in the same glass...ummmm yeah - a little gross but easy so it'll probably stay that way.

I'm a loner at home today. Tosh has to work 2 jobs - ick. Neil is going to a friends house to work. I need to mow the lawn but we only have a reel lawn mower and it is too long for that (not good- it is going to seed and the drunk old neighbor lady has started yelling obsceneties over the fence!) We a push mower the previous owner left her and it is 20+ years old and you have to touch the spark plugs together and some other crazy thing to get it started...not sure about that either. maybe it will just rain and then I won't have to feel guilty like I should be mowing the grass because I just can't! I've seriously considered getting a cute little goat! :-)

Monday, September 04, 2006

Wall was no match for us!

Tosh and I went rock climbing at REI on Saturday - no problem. I made it up the wall on my first try (of course we only did the easy side since it was our first time). Was really fun. I thought it would take a lot more upper body strength but I was really good at using my legs for the most part and I didn't even feel it in my arms!

We discovered that Tosh is really afraid of heights. She made it up about 15 feet on her first try and then she freaked...not to fear - she came down for a pep talk and I sent her back up the wall. She made it all the way to the top without a problem as well. Shaky hands and sweaty palms were a small price and she conquered her fear.

I am on Day 4 of a cleanse. All protein shakes with blended fruit and veggies today and tomorrow. I'm surprised but veggies in shakes are not bad at all. Thought I would dread today and it's been just fine. Nice surprise!

Yesterday, my friend Lanae came over and all three of us went the gym for cardio. Tosh ran like the wind, Lanae biked and ran, I did the stepmill for 10 min and then the cross country ski machine for 10 min. The ski machine about killed me! I don't know how it can be sooo tough - but I was seriously huffing at the end!

We watched Last Holiday when we got home from the gym and it was actually really good. I enjoyed it very much.

Sat night Tosh and I watched eight below. That was also really good except I cried for like 1.5 hours! I am such a sucker for puppies.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Camping and training

Wow, been a while since I checked in! Neil and I went camping last weekend and it was wonderful! The weather was perfect, our campsite was secluded and quiet. We had such a great time we are going again next weekend.

Neil has been super busy this week - I haven't seen him hardly at all. He was either gone till early hours of the morning or actually staying at other people's houses every day except last night. He helped one friend with a big dvd job and the other with putting in a floor. He just left this morning for a paintball trip with a bunch of guys. Won't be home till MOnday. I'm starting to remember what single feels like! :-)

Exciting news on the training front - I have hired a new trainer! He is a WNBF pro from Maryland and he has tons of experience. Financially this will be much more feasible and I think I will get more results simply because my program will be monitored and changed more frequently. I don't need the face to face accountability of physically meeting with my trainers any longer and I haven't been actually training with them for a long time, just checking in and getting new workouts and checking the diet. I will be sending my new trainer pics every couple weeks and he'll be switching things up all the time. I think this is really great and will really help me out. I was struggling a bit over the last week and I think a lot of the problem is that I am stagnant and bored.

So, we started yesterday with a 7 day cleanse. Then I will do a baseline diet for 4 weeks. After that he says 'we will be doing all kinds of crazy things!' Exciting! There is absolutely no cheating during this first phase so clean eating for me till October.